Categories: StreetBlogGossiping

#GOSSIPING 10.02.2019

Did you know that many scientists believe it was the art of social gossip that first set us apart from the other animals? That’s how we formed intimate groups and learned more about the important things in life. We’d like to continue that tradition in our area of expertise, so here’s just a taste of what’s happened this week in the world of marketing:

Clever campaigns: Holy holograms Batman!

Holograms aren’t just for deceased musicians anymore. KLM has set up booths in airports in Oslo, Amsterdam and Rio De Janeiro that allow passengers to communicate with people at their destinations via hologram. The purpose is to connect passengers from different locations and encourage them to share useful information for their travels, but this campaign is clever for other reasons.

There are several other ways of learning the info about our travel destination besides holograming with a stranger. This campaign is more about letting people try out a futuristic technology and getting them to interact with the brand KLM while they have time to kill before a flight.

Tools of the trade: ActiveCampaign

When you’re busy, the last thing you want to do is spend time figuring out how to use a new marketing platform. ActiveCampaign is an example of flexible marketing technology. Different businesses can use the same features in greatly different and creative ways. You don’t need to conform to the platform, you just use it however is best for you. That’s why we recommend it to everyone we know.

The Creative Agency of the Future

The workplace and the workforce are changing rapidly among creative agencies, and competition is increasing. Creative agencies need to take a deep look into how the most creative and innovative software companies in the world have changed the way they organize the workplace and work itself. What is your plan to achieve this by 2025? Read more here



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