Categories: StreetBlogGossiping

#GOSSIPING 03.02.2019

Did you know that many scientists believe it was the art of social gossip that first set us apart from the other animals? That’s how we formed intimate groups and learned more about the important things in life. We’d like to continue that tradition in our area of expertise, so here’s just a taste of what’s happened this week in the world of marketing:

Clever campaigns: Vengeful vegetables

Remember how much you hated vegetables when you were young? If you have children, you’ll know that not much has changed in that department. Kids still aren’t big fans of healthy food, and that’s why a new campaign in the UK is targeting youngsters in a clever way to get them to see eating vegetables as a heroic duty.

Ads in the campaign show veggies as evil villains with a plot to take over the world, a plot that adults can’t foil on their own. They need children to come to the rescue, and the only way to defeat a vegetable is to eat it. While only time will tell how effective this campaign will be in changing eating behavior, there is no denying how well it appeals to children – children who love to play the superhero and are used to seeing a similar plot-line on television and in movies. It also leans into the negative perception of vegetables rather than arguing against it. Veggies are the enemy. Don’t eat them because you like them, eat them to destroy them. That’s a powerful message.

Tools of trade: Medium

If you’re trying to build an online presence, you’ve probably got some kind of blog or content creation going on. There are lots of good blogging sites to use, each with its own advantages, but Medium is definitely one to consider. One of the biggest benefits of blogging on Medium is that it has a built-in distribution channel that reaches over 86 million unique monthly visitors.

Specific businesses and causes will also find Medium useful thanks to its readership, which values technology, design, marketing, business, entrepreneurship, startups, culture, and politics in particular.

Make the most out of your content

Content is king. It’s one of the most effective ways of reaching new audiences and introduce added value to your community. It helps make business entity more of an approachable human being than a money-hungry robot. It’s what starts discussions and keeps people within your sphere of influence. That’s why it’s so important to get right. Here are seven of the biggest mistakes you might be making and how to approach things differently.



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